All In is a Campaign to inform millions of people in the school community who are uninsured about health coverage options and to help them enroll. Teachers for Healthy Kids has collaborated with the All In campaign to help shape the campaigns’ usability by schools and to share the All In Tool Kit now available at The ALL IN toolkit includes four documents: the Game Plan for School Leaders, the Fact Sheet for School Leaders, Fact Sheet for Families, and the Informational Wallet Card. The tool kit is designed specifically for school, child-care, and after-school providers with a simple 1-2-3 step process – download, print, and distribute! Visit to access the All In Took Kit in Spanish. The Tool Kit will be available in other languages soon.
Teachers for Healthy generally works to connect individuals and agencies to the available resources they need. Occasionally we find that the resources we’re looking for do not exist or are not available in the format we are looking for. The THK Eligibility Flyer was created to quickly illustrate exactly what the eligibility parameters are for subsidized coverage options and to outline the essential benefits that will be a part of all health plans under the Affordable Care Act. If you are looking for a specific resource to use for outreach and/or enrollment and cannot locate it, please contact us. We may be able to help find what you are looking for or develop something to fit the needs of your school.
This site was designed as a resource for Foster Youth, but works well to educate youth workers about important programs and assistance available to this vulnerable population.
Fresh works is a private/public partnership funding access to fresh, quality food options in California. The site highlights issues of not having access to quality, affordable groceries. - This site is a “think-and-do-tank for health.” It functions to connect physicians and social change agents in a dialogue about how to improve the social factors that impact health. For teachers and individuals, this site can serve as a source of ideas, information, and a platform to share your own ideas.